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Writer's picturePiotr Śmiech

Homemade tomato sauce


Today it will be little different.

I will show you how to make your own tomato sauce (we're gonna need it next weekend). It is simple, but time consuming. So, without wasting more time, let's start.


  • tomato - 1 kg (2.2 lb)

  • onion - 2 large ones

  • garlic - 4 cloves

  • seasoning (Italian herbs like oregano and basil, salt and pepper)


First cut shallow X on bottom (opposite site where was the stalk) of all of tomatoes. Prepare big pot with water and bring it to boiling. When water is boiling put in there all of tomatoes for around 1 min, after that time remove them to the cold water. With that you can easily take off of their skin, do that.

To another pot add little bit of olive oil, just not to burn it. Chop your onions and keep it on low heat until they will get golden. In a mean time you chop all of remaining tomatoes and garlic. When onion is ready add tomatoes, garlic and seasoning, bring it to boil and after that put it on low heat. Simmer it for around 60 min.

Now just wait occasionally stirring. That is also the moment when you can taste it for seasoning if you want to add something more.

When you will be satiated with consistency turn off heating, wait till it cool down and after that, blend it.

Don't worry if yours is more orange than this one, it's still good, the color depends on tomatoes.

That's it, sauce is ready. You can use it right away or seal it in jars for later. Enjoy, and remember, have fun and experiment in the kitchen.


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Stanisław Śmiech
Stanisław Śmiech
Jan 22, 2023


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